We Watch Movie

6 Best Moments from Fury Movie


Title: Fury

Release Date: 15/10/2014

Genres: War, Drama, Action


“Fury” is a gripping war drama set during the final stages of World War II. The film takes place in April 1945, with the Allies making their way through Nazi Germany.

The story revolves around a battle-hardened and seasoned American tank crew led by Staff Sergeant Don “Wardaddy” Collier, played by Brad Pitt.

The crew consists of loyal and resilient soldiers who have been through numerous battles together.

This tight-knit team includes Boyd “Bible” Swan, played by Shia LaBeouf, who provides a spiritual and religious perspective to the group, Trini “Gordo” Garcia, played by Michael Pea, the jovial and sarcastic driver, and Grady “Coon-Ass” Travis, played by Jon Bernthal, a rough and aggressive gunner. As the crew continues their mission, they receive a new addition to the team, a young and inexperienced soldier named Norman Ellison, played by Logan Lerman.

Norman, a typist who has never set foot on a battlefield, is thrust into the brutal reality of war. Initially struggling to adapt, he is quickly exposed to the horrors and violence of combat under the guidance and mentorship of Wardaddy.

The plot unfolds with the crew heading deeper into Germany, facing constant danger and encountering numerous obstacles. They form an intricate dance with death as they navigate treacherous terrain, engage in heavy firefights, and confront an enemy that is relentless and fanatically devoted to their cause.

The tank, lovingly nicknamed “Fury,” becomes their home and their means of survival. The film delves into the psychological toll of war on the characters, exploring themes of camaraderie, honor, sacrifice, and the dehumanizing effects of battle.

As the crew faces the horrors of war, they dehumanize their enemy to protect their own sanity, a necessary survival mechanism in the face of overwhelming violence. Amidst the chaos, the crew stumbles upon a small German town, where they briefly experience a glimpse of the civilian population living in fear.

This encounter challenges their perceptions and forces them to question the humanity of the war they are fighting. It also presents them with a moral dilemma that puts their loyalty and integrity to the test.

The climax of the film culminates in a climactic and brutal battle against overwhelming odds. The crew finds themselves outnumbered and outgunned, desperately fighting for their lives and for each other.

The intensity of the battle showcases the raw power of the tank and the determination of the crew to survive until the bitter end. “Fury” is a powerful and visceral exploration of the horrors of war and the bonds forged in the crucible of battle.

With its realistic and gritty portrayal of combat, the film captures the essence of the soldiers’ experience, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats. It is a story that honors the sacrifice and resilience of those who fought in World War II and serves as a reminder of the cost of conflict.

6 Best Scenes from Fury

1. The introduction of the tank crew and their Sherman tank named “Fury”:

In this pivotal scene, we are introduced to the main characters of the film – the tank crew of Fury, consisting of Don “Wardaddy” Collier (played by Brad Pitt), Boyd “Bible” Swan (played by Shia LaBeouf), Trini “Gordo” Garcia (played by Michael Pea), and Grady “Coon-Ass” Travis (played by Jon Bernthal).

As the tanks roll into a German camp, we witness the crew’s camaraderie and their attachment to their tank, which is personified as a living entity they affectionately call “Fury.”

This moment is significant because it establishes the strong bond between the crew members and their unwavering commitment to each other’s survival. It also sets the tone for the rest of the film, emphasizing the brutal and isolating nature of war.

The introduction of Fury as a character highlights the intimate connection between the crew and their tank, further amplifying the theme of reliance on machinery in the war. 2.

The intense battle sequence in the town where Fury tries to hold off German forces:

In this gripping scene, Fury and its crew find themselves outnumbered and outgunned as they attempt to defend a crucial position against a relentless German assault. The intensity of the battle is conveyed through chaotic gunfire, explosions, and close-quarter combat.

The crew’s determination is put to the ultimate test as they face the grim reality of war and the constant threat of imminent death. This moment is significant in the film because it showcases the crew’s unwavering bravery and their ability to adapt to dire situations.

It also reveals the harsh realities of war, highlighting the brutality and chaos that soldiers face on the front lines. The sheer desperation and survival instincts exhibited by the crew propel the plot forward and drive home the film’s themes of sacrifice and the moral complexities of warfare.

3. The scene where Norman is forced to kill a captured German soldier:

In this emotionally charged scene, Norman (played by Logan Lerman), a young and inexperienced recruit who was initially reluctant to join the war, is confronted with a moral dilemma.

He is ordered by Wardaddy to kill a captured German soldier, despite his hesitation and moral objections. Norman reluctantly carries out the order, but the act deeply affects him.

This moment is significant as it highlights the dehumanizing nature of war and the toll it takes on soldiers’ psyche. It raises questions about the ethics of killing and the moral compromises soldiers are forced to make in order to survive.

Norman’s internal struggle serves as a catalyst for his character development throughout the film, transforming him from an innocent and naive young man to a hardened soldier in the face of unimaginable horrors. This scene also underscores the disconnect between the soldiers’ actions and the larger consequences of war, emphasizing the moral ambiguity that pervades the entire film.

4. The tank crew encountering an overwhelmed infantry battalion and deciding to stay and fight:

In this critical scene, Fury and its crew come across an overwhelmed and disheartened infantry battalion in desperate need of assistance.

Despite the crew’s exhaustion and the risk involved, Wardaddy makes the difficult decision to stay and fight alongside the infantry. This decision showcases the crew’s unwavering commitment to their comrades and their belief in the importance of their mission.

The significance of this moment lies in its exploration of the themes of sacrifice and brotherhood. By choosing to stay and fight, the crew demonstrates their loyalty and selflessness, going beyond their duty to help their fellow soldiers.

It also reveals the harsh reality of war, where every decision carries life or death consequences. This scene adds depth to the narrative structure by portraying the crew’s willingness to prioritize the well-being of others over their own survival.

5. The tense encounter with a young German girl during a brief respite from battle:

In a brief respite from the constant chaos and violence of war, the crew of Fury encounters a young German girl named Emma, hiding in her home.

The tense encounter between the crew and Emma adds a haunting human element to the narrative. Norman, in particular, is deeply affected by the encounter as he sees the devastating impact of the war on innocent civilians.

This scene is significant because it humanizes the enemy and questions the morality and senselessness of war. It provides a profound contrast between the innocence of the young girl and the brutality of the conflict.

It serves as a reminder of the profound consequences of warfare beyond the soldiers involved, emphasizing the human cost of the conflict. This encounter contributes to the character development of Norman, pushing him further into the complexities and horrors of war.

6. The final intense battle where Fury and the crew face overwhelming odds against several German tanks:

In the climactic final battle, Fury and its crew find themselves outnumbered and outgunned against multiple German tanks.

The scene is an intense and chaotic struggle for survival as the crew fights desperately to overcome the overwhelming odds. Their tank is heavily damaged, and casualties mount among the crew, intensifying the emotional tension.

This scene serves as the culmination of the entire film’s themes of sacrifice, loyalty, and the futility of war. It showcases the crew’s resilience and determination in the face of death.

The overwhelming odds and desperation further highlight the horrors of war and the moral ambiguity that accompanies it. The battle also underscores the film’s exploration of the brutal and destructive nature of warfare, leaving a lasting impact on both the characters and the audience.